April 27 10am - 1pm: Flower Sale
April 27 6pm: Pasta Dinner
April 28 9am: Christian Education
May 5 9am: Christian Education
May 11 9am - 2pm: Bake Sale
May 12 9am: Christian Education
May 19 8:45am: HomeFront Meal Prep
May 19 10am: First Holy Communion
May 19 4pm: Evensong & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Do I have to be an Episcopalian to come to Christ Church?
Everyone is welcome at Christ Church, regardless of faith or denomination. We invite everyone into a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, and to find a home here.
Can I or my child be baptized at Christ Church?
Most certainly. Contact the parish office or Fr. Matt about the sacrament of Baptism.
Can I get married at Christ Church?
The sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a sacred and mysterious act in which two become one flesh; please contact Fr. Matt about the possibility of being married at Christ Church.
What does Episcopal mean?
Episcopos is the Greek word for bishop. Thus Episcopal means "governed by bishops." The Episcopal Church maintains the three-fold order of ministry as handed down by the Apostles -- deacons, priests and bishops -- in direct descent, via the laying on of hands, from the original Apostles. By the way, Episcopal is an adjective: "I belong to the Episcopal Church." The noun is Episcopalian: "I am an Episcopalian."
How can I get involved?
Almost everything we do here depends on the active participation of people like you to volunteer, and there are lots of ways to get involved. For example:
Prepare meals for the hungry on every third Sunday of the month
Participate in the Church School
Serve at the altar as an acolyte
Help with fellowship dinners and activities
Deepen your knowledge and faith at Adult Education sessions
Help plan and execute the Blessing of the Fire Trucks and other outreach events
Serve as an usher or greeter
Help to sustain the ministry of the Churchyard, our working cemetery
Come to the daily Mass and Morning Prayer
Sing in the choir
May I receive Communion at Christ Church?
All Christians who have been baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, are welcome to receive the Blessed Sacrament. Others who come forward to the Altar Rail may receive a blessing, and all are encouraged to be baptized and make their communion.
How do I become a member of Christ Church?
Everyone who worships with us on any kind of regular basis becomes, in a real sense, a member of Christ Church. If you are already an Episcopalian, becoming a member is as easy as contacting the Parish Office (609.298.2348), and our parish administrator can guide you through the process. Those who come to us from other denominations or religious traditions and would like to consider becoming members of the Episcopal Church and Christ Church should speak to Fr. Matt about preparation for Confirmation or Reception into the Church.
Can I make my confession at Christ Church?
Fr. Matt is available to hear confessions by appointment and during posted times in seasons when making your confession is most appropriate. The practice of telling one’s sins to a priest is meant to help in two ways: first, by helping to accept responsibility for the things we’ve done wrong or failed to do at all; and second, by reassuring the penitent person of God’s forgiveness.
Where can I park?
Christ Church has a parking lot located adjacent to the church, and parking is available on all the roads surrounding the parish. Information on public transportation is available on the Contact & Directions page.