+ Altar Guild. Prepares the Altar and Sanctuary for Masses and other services, cares for the sacred vessels and linens, and assists with the upkeep of the parish.
+ Acolyte Guild and Calix. Assists in the preparation of the Altar and Sanctuary for Masses and other services, serves in processions and at the Altar, assists the clergy in the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament and other duties.
+ Lector/Intercessor. Reads the appointed lessons and the Prayer for the Church.
+ Usher/Greeter. Welcomes the people into the church and provides bulletins and directions. Collects the offering and alerts the clergy to those who cannot physically get to the rail to receive the Sacrament.
+ Parish Choir. Sings weekly at the 10am Mass during the academic year and on other Feasts and Fasts.
+ Children’s Choir. Sings one Sunday a month at the 10am Mass and on other occasions.
+ Vox Fidelis. Leads Compline and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on appointed days during the academic year. Tim Smith, Director
+ Parish Librarian. Organizes and executes educational resources and programs for the adults of the parish. Maintains the Parish Library and other resources.
+ Church School Teachers. Shares the love of Christ through the teachings of the Church and the care of children. Classes for grades Pre-Kindergarten through High School.
+ Director/Directress. Oversees the Church School, organizes and distributes curriculum, manages the calendar, assists the teachers and mentors.
+ Mentors/Teacher’s Assistants. Assists the teachers in the care of the children.
+ Vestry Member. Represents the people of the parish in all matters and councils the clergy.
+ Coffee Hour Host. Provides food and refreshments for fellowship after the Sunday Masses and other Feasts.
+ Finance Committee. Prepares annual budget and oversees the investment portfolio and money management.
+ Pledge Committee. Prepares and collect pledge cards and assists with the annual budget.
+ Welcomes newcomers and visitors. Helps newcomers and parishioners to find opportunities for ministry at Christ Church.
+ Property Committee. Oversees the maintenence of the parish buildings and grounds, the graveyard, and rectory; plans for future projects, organizes volunteers, and negotiates with contractors.
+ Workday Volunteer. Provides labor for the Parish Work Days, held twice a year and on special occasions.
+ Prepares flowers and other objects for the beautification of the Altar and Sanctuary on a weekly basis. Attends to flowers, the creche, and other liturgical objects during the Christmas, Easter, and Epiphany seasons.
+ Parish Librarian. Oversees the Parish Library: collects, archives, and lends.
This sign needs to be removed
O LORD our heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be ministered unto, but to minister; We beseech thee to bless all who, following in his steps, give themselves to the service of their fellow men. Endue them with wisdom, patience, and courage, that they may strengthen the weak and raise up those who fall; and, being inspired by thy love, may worthily minister in thy Name to the suffering, the friendless, and the needy; for the sake of him who laid down his life for us, the same thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
The growth surrounding the Quaker plot needs to be removed
The weed trees growing out of this tree need to be pruned
Current Projects
The interior of the bell tower needs to be painted (just the first 10 feet)
The trim in the nursery needs to be primed
The remnants of this dead bush need to be pulled out
This tree needs to come down
Being good stewards of what God has given us touches all aspects of Church life. Below are a few stewardship opportunities at Christ Church.