RECEPTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: All Christians baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and who discern our Lord's Bodily Presence in the Blessed Sacrament are welcome to receive the Sacrament.  It is the custom of this parish to receive the Host either directly on the tongue or on your outstretched right hand.  You may guide the chalice to your lips gently with your right hand.  If you wish to receive by intinction, please keep the Host in your hand for the Chalicist to intinct for you.  Others who wish to receive a blessing may also come forward: the Celebrant will know to bless those who bow their heads and cross their arms over their chest.

BAPTISM is wondrous, joyous, and efficacious rite available to persons of any age who have not already been baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.  Please talk to Fr. Matt if you or a loved one wishes to be baptized.

MARRIAGE is a sacred and mysterious act in which two persons become one flesh.  We invite you to consider Christ Church for your wedding and to speak with Fr. Matt about the rite of Holy Matrimony.

CONFESSION is available by appointment and at other posted times.  Fr. Matt is happy to counsel you on how to make your confession.

ANOINTING AND LAYING ON OF HANDS FOR HEALING is a weekly act at Christ Church.  The Mass w. Unction is said every Thursday at 10am in the Lady Chapel, and is also available by appointment.

CHRISTIAN BURIAL is important for both the deceased and those left behind.  We urge you to think ahead about your funeral and burial arrangements.  Contact Fr. Matt to make arrangements or to have Father say a Mass for a deceased loved one.
Confirmation is the full reception of the Holy Ghost via the laying on of hands of a bishop.  Confirmation is administered only by a bishop and is available only when a bishop's visitation can be arranged, usually once every three years.

Some useful information on the customs and policies of Christ Church